6th Grade Immunization Requirements

Delran Middle School Required 6th Grade Immunizations

New Jersey requires all public school students entering 6th grade to receive two additional childhood immunizations. These immunizations are:

1) Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis “Booster shot”), 
Meningococcal (Meningococcal ACWY immunization).  

   Compliance is due before the start of 6th grade in September. Per New Jersey, students who are not fully immunized MUST be excluded from school.

     The Tdap and Meningococcal immunizations are given at a child’s 11-year-old well-visit.  Ask for proof of immunization at the doctor’s appointment and forward this proof to the school.

     Students whose 11th birthday falls after the start of the school year in September are required to receive Tdap and Meningococcal immunizations within two weeks of their birthday with proof submitted to the school once received, or they will be excluded from school.

    The 11 year old well-visit is a perfect opportunity for your child’s doctor to complete a health physical for the school (recommended by New Jersey). It is also a good idea to have a Sports Physical completed for school, which is required for after school sports participation.  Request that your child’s doctor complete a physical and Sports Physical for the school. Once completed, submit the proper forms to the school.

    Please note:  To participate in after-school sports, Middle School students MUST submit proof of Full Immunization and of a completed Sports Physical to the school.  This is for ALL after-school sports including cheer, competitive interscholastic sports, and intramural sports such as dodgeball, soccer, volleyball, tennis, and track.  If you have questions about Sports Physicals, see the DMS website’s Athletic Page or Nurse’s Page and choose the Athletic Physical Forms tab. 

6th Grade Immunization Form
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