Class Resource Links

Class Resource Links
Creative Commons. Creative Commons.  Web.  7 June 2011 <>.

"Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens." TeensHealth. The Nemours Foundation, 1995-2011.  Web.  7 June 2011. <>.

Kim, Painter. "Parents tread a fine line online with kids." USA Today 12 October 2010. EBSCOHost.  Web.  8 June 2011.

"Megan McCafferty on Plagiarism: the victim's side." People 22 May 2006: 54. EBSCOHost.  Web.  8 June 2011.

Modern Language Association. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers: Seventh Edition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2009.  Print.

Modigliani, Laura. "Get Wiki Wise." Scholastic News Edition 4 January 31, 2011: 6. EBSCOHost.  Web.  8 June 2011.

Perry, Beth, and K.C. Baker. "Food Fight!" People 21 January 2008: 154. EBSCOHost.  Web.  8 June 2011.

Price, Sean.  "The Plagiarism Problem."  Scholastic Scope 19 September 2005:  16.  EBSCOHost.  Web.  16 June 2011.
Rakowsky, Judy, et al. "Phoebe Prince's Legacy." People 18 October 2010: 60. EBSCOHost.  Web.  9 June 2011.
Schwartz, Kathryn L. "Info Search: Where's the Information?" IPL2. University of Michigan. Web. 9 June 2011. <>. Dept. of Health and Human Services.  Web.  7 June 2011. <>.
"Telling students about copyright." Education Digest Sept. 1992: 66. EBSCOHost. Web.  9 June 2011.

Welcome to Copyright Kids! The Copyright Society of the U.S.A.  Web.  9 June 2011. <>.

Werts, Cybele Elaine. "Comparing Search Engines for Quick and Dirty Answers."  Jan/Feb 2010: 32. EBSCOHost.  Web.  8 June 2011.

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